Running: Techniques To Reach The Goal

Running- All marathons cover the same distance. The difficulty lies in the layout of the route. Some are flat, such as Chicago, while others have slopes and are more complicated, such as Boston
When you incorporate sport as part of your daily life, you usually do not leave it. But there are two different ways of doing sports: one for health and another to practice it competitively.

 In my case, I resumed training in 2013 to participate in the New York Marathon that year. I trained consecutively until 2016. In 2017 I decided to pause. I never stopped running but, yes, I did it in another time, without pressure and I got used to that routine. I never imagined how hard it would be for me to engage again in serious training.
running, marathon, exercise

This year I decided to participate for the seventh time in the New York Marathon. It's four months before the test, and I have trouble getting up at dawn to do the training. What I need is to regain the habit again. They say that to create a habit, it takes approximately 21 days, and to convert this habit into a constant must be connected with a goal that motivates one.

All marathons cover the same distance. The difficulty lies in the layout of the route. Some are flat, such as Chicago, while others have slopes and are more complicated, such as Boston.

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Type of Marathon

Regardless of the type of marathon in which you are going to participate, there are three basic forms of training: background, speed, and slopes. Then I explain each one.

1. Background training

It is advisable to run long distances of 21, 25 and 32 kilometers to 45 seconds or 1 minute slower than the pace you plan to set for your competition once a week. This will allow you to increase your stamina and get your muscles are accustomed to running for several hours.

2. Speed ​​training

It is also done once a week, and the distances vary depending on the plan; Can be repetitions of 200, 400 and 800 meters, among others, with speeds higher than the established pace for the marathon. This type of training helps the pace to be comfortable and can maintain it for 42,195 kilometers.

3. Coaching of slopes (every flat marathon has slopes)

You must train on steep slopes one day a week. It is essential to know how to control the descent and keep the same step. If the marathon has more slopes, it is necessary to give more emphasis to this type of training.
The rest of the days can run at a gentle pace, which serves to add kilometers. Remember to train 5 to 6 days a week and rest one at a minimum.

The result you get in the marathon is the reflection of the training you have done. Do not think that you will achieve a good time luckily since your body will render according to work done.
You know, if you want to rejoin a marathon after having stopped training for a long time, find a goal that motivates you, that way you will get hooked and enjoy the process

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