How to Best Take Calcium and How It Can Alleviate Various Health Conditions- How Calcium should be taken

Calcium is the mineral in our body that builds bones as well as keeps them healthy. About 99% of calcium in our body is stored in the teeth and bones. The outstanding 1% is present in the blood which is crucial to keep a body in existence. Without this little 1% of calcium, muscle tissues will not contract properly; blood will not clot, nerves tend not to carry messages, as well as the heart will not beat properly. Calcium is vital to living.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body, found predominantly in the bones and also teeth. From the beginning, children have a higher need for dietary calcium to aid bone development and even skeletal development that happens rapidly in earlier years of life. This growth and its demand- go on into the teenage years which is especially essential for adolescent females who have to stock their calcium supplies to avoid osteoporosis in later life.


Sufficient intake at this time is necessary to support continuing bone growth in order to obtain peak bone mass. It is a vital dietary element needed in adequate amounts on an excellent bone wellbeing, effective nerve and also muscle function, and even total cardiovascular system health. Without sufficient of calcium all through a person's life, a person's bones can start to get weak with time.

There are just 2 means to get this vital 1% of calcium; obtaining calcium from food intake or perhaps from your bones. In case you are not getting it in your diet plan, your body will draw it from your bones.
The calcium you obtain from your food intake and also supplements safeguards the calcium trapped in your bones. Aside from the positive structural aspects, the calcium in your bones functions as the body's emergency- dose of calcium. Should the crucial 1% of calcium drops, your body does respond by robbing the calcium from your bones to boost the blood-calcium levels.

The Wrong Calcium

A lot of people are advised to consume a calcium supplement. Lots of people take an antacid as their calcium supplement. Antacids contain calcium;  but the question is, can the human body make use of it? An antacid is well-known as a calcium supplement. It does work by drying up the stomach acid to alleviate indigestion. Nonetheless, calcium has to be in an acidic environment to pass the stomach lining into the bloodstream.

By having to take an antacid, your body is unable to obtain the calcium it needs to remain healthy. The point is, it does not matter the amount of calcium an individual takes, it is the fraction that gets absorbed into the body that is crucial. 


Why is calcium important?

Calcium is well known mainly for its function in building and also maintaining healthy bones and teeth. However, it is also needed for proper functioning of the muscles, heart and even nervous system. It also plays a part in maintaining normal blood pressure levels, regulating blood clotting. It is equally linked to reducing mood swings, food cravings, and reducing the pain, tenderness and also bloating tied to premenstrual disorder.


Calcium functions most efficiently when consumed in the form of Calcium gluconate, together with Magnesium carbonate and also Vitamin C Ascorbate. This form is water-soluble as well as being entirely natural and safe.
It is advisable to not consume Calcium in hard tablet form. Hard-pressed tablets are tough to break down as well as create additional work for the digestion process. A powdered mixed with water or even gel cap is perfect.
Your supplement should be a 2:1 of calcium and also magnesium. It is the ratio mostly recommended by health professionals. Calcium works with magnesium. Without magnesium, the human body cannot detect calcium in the bloodstream and will not make use of it, regardless of how much you consume.
Magnesium and Calcium need to be taken with Vitamin C which produces an acidic environment. Calcium has to be in an acidic environment to be absorbed. The Vitamin-C Ascorbate produces the mineral ionization which leads to instant absorption.

What are the deficiency signs of calcium?

Deficiency indicators (also referred to as hypocalcemia) go from minor cases -  muscle cramps, numbness or tingling of the fingers, lethargy and even poor appetite. To more severe cases- including mental confusion, dermatitis, skeletal malformations,  and in kids; deferred growth. Illnesses like osteoporosis (thin, brittle, porous bones that easily break) and also rickets are likewise linked to a deficiency.
Foods rich in calcium are Milk, yoghurt, Okra, White beans, salmon, kale, Egg yolk, Spinach etc.

Are there any risks associated with an excessive amount?

It can cause constipation, and ought to be balanced with magnesium as talked about above. Too much in the body may have adverse effects, such as vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, and also increased urination. A bit more severe problems include kidney toxicity and uneven heartbeat. Research shows that men who consume an excessive amount may have a higher chance of prostate cancer, and they should reduce their dietary consumption from 500 to 600mg every day from all sources. 
According to the Institute of Medicine, calcium daily consumption for adults from 18 to 71 years is 1,200 mg, children 1 to 3 years is 700 mg, 4 to 18 years is 1000 mg to 1300 mg.


You Should Not take in excess of the recommended amount. Try out the following if you have adverse reactions from taking extra calcium:
  1. Drink a lot more fluid.
  2. Consume high-fibre foods
  3. Change to another form of calcium if the diet modifications do not help.


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